Nije to prvi put da se Hrvati kite tudjim perjem,svajatajuci srpske velikane kao najvece hrvatske sinove. I ovom prilikom sa najviseg mesta zamenik Premijera Zoran Mihajlovic za srpskog i svetskog genija Nikolu Teslui nobelovca Ive Andrica ,javno izjavi da su to najveci hravatski sinovi. To rece i ne pocrvene od stida i lazi, uveren da ce mu svet verovati. Osim Hrvata svet ce se na tu izjavu zgroziti. Cudo da Mihajlovic ne izjavi da je i Ajnstajn Hrvat,kao suprug Mileve Maric, koja je kao najbolji matematicar izvela formulu teoriju relativiteta kojom je umesto nje Ajnstajn dobio nobelovu nagradu. Mileva Maric rodjena u Vojvodini- zapravo Novom Sadu i po njima srpske teritorije sve do reke Save su hrvatske teritorije.
Izjava Mihajlovica medju svetskom inteligencijom nema prodju .Retko je zitelja ove planete ko nije cuo za Nikolu Teslu i njegove izume kojim danas covecanstvo koristi i nobelovca Ive Andrica ciji je roman Na Drini Cuprija preveden na sve poznate svetske jezike, osim na njihovom Hrvatskom .Vest o proglasenjenu Ive Andrica za Nobelovca doprla je do sve tacke planete da jeporeklom Srbin.Mnogi se pitaju kako je to moguce da Andriceva na Drini Cuprija nije prevedena na hrvatski,ako je za nih Srpski jezik nerazuman.
Pre svega Hrvatska kao nezavisna drzava nije poistojala.Teritorije danasnje Hrvatske i Bopsne i Hercegovine ,ukljucujuci i Liku, bile su sastavni deo teritorije Austro Ugarske Monarhije.
Selo Smiljane u Lici, rodno mesto Nikole Tesle je srpsko selo ciji je otac Milutin bio svestenik srpske pravoslavne cerkve toga kraja. Srbi Like bili su masovno ubijani od strane Ustasa od 41 do 45 da bi se zametnuo trag srpskog zivlja kao da Srbi tamo osim Hrvata nisu ziveli. Ako je ,tako kako kaze Zoran Mihajlovic, da jeTesla najveci hrvatski sin, zasto je onda zapaljena kuca Nikole Tesle u kojoj se rodio i srpski zivalj toga kraja planski ubijan.Verovatno to Mihajlovicu nije poznato.
Nedavna naucna polemika o poreklu Hrvata da su Hrvati po genama Srbi, izazvala je burne polemike u hrvatskoj javnosti, negirajuci da nemaju nikakve veze sa tim prljavim i smrdljivim Srbima.
Pitanje je zasto hrvati u svojoj istoriji nisu dali ni jedu licnost kalibra Nikole Tesle,Ive Andrica,Pupina Rudjera Boskovica Milankovica,vec se ta srpska elita poznata sirom sveta kao Srbi prisvajaju da kao najveci hrvatski sinovi
Hrvatski takozvani intelektualci svajataju sve sto je srpsko. Po njima osim Nikole Tesle , su poreklom Hrvati :Kraljevic Marko, Milos Obilic,Pupin,Rudjer Boskovic ,Milankovic,Vuk Karadzic Ivo Andric." Osim toga da su u hrvatskom melosu ispevane i narodne pesme kosovskog ciklusa. Da su Mrnjavcevici takodje poreklom Hrvati, da su Hrvati ucestvovali u kosovskoj bitci, da je srpski jezik nastao od hrvatskog jezika i da su Hrvati najstariji narod planete. Da su nihovi moreplovci Mate i Sime otkrili Ameriku . Da su hrvati izumeli KRAVATU, sto predstavlja olicenje civilizacije i kulture. Da je ime kravate nastalo od kroata.
Hrvatskim glupostima i svajatanjima nikad kraja. Narod koji nema svoje poreklo istoriju i kulturna dostignuca , spreman je svajatanjima. Ducic je s pravom rekao da su Hrvati drzak i bestidan narod.
Setimo se samo kakve je gluposti izvaljivao Tudman u vezi njihove sahovnice kao simbol drzavnosti,da je poreklom iz nekadasnje Persije.Da je sahovnicu video na nekom cupu prilikom posete nekadasnjoj Persiji i da iz toga izvodi zakljucak da su Hrvati poreklom iz Persije. Da je cup sa sahovnicom dobio na poklon sa tim njihovim drevnim znakom. Cime ce nas jos u buduce zasmejavati srpskim svajatanjima videce se.
The Serbian Roundup
Commentary on political, social and cultural struggles of Serbdom
Friday, August 16, 2013
Would Tesla Have Survived the Genocide?
According to Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanović, physicist Nikola
Tesla and novelist Ivo Andrić were two of the greatest Croats that ever
lived. Milanović stated this for the momentous occasion of Croatia's
admittance into the European Union earlier this year. In Tesla's case at
least, it'd be the same as if Barack Obama brazenly and hypocritically
said that the legendary Sioux chief Sitting Bull was one of the greatest
Americans that ever lived, regardless of the fact that the Americans
committed genocide against the people Sitting Bull belonged to.
Likewise, Croats committed genocide against Serbs, the people Tesla
belonged to, but as the great Serbian poet Jovan Dučić said, Croats are
the boldest people not because they don't fear anything, but because
they have no shame. Thus, Milanović shamelessly usurped the legacy of a
man whose family and neighbors Milanović's political predecessors
Nenad Jovanović of Serb National Council, a civic organization of the
Serb minority in Croatia, reminded the public on Thursday (link in
Serbian) of the fate that would have most definitely awaited the great
scientist if he found himself in his native village rather than in New
York City in 1941.
Smiljan, a small village in the region of Lika, nested on the eastern
slopes of Mt. Velebit several kilometers west of Gospić, was the
birthplace of Tesla in 1856 and a scene of the terrible carnage Croat
fascists inflicted on his fellow villagers less than 90 years later, in
one of the lesser known episodes of the genocidal enterprise by the
Independent State of Croatia, aimed at its Serbian population. The
genocide, which began with the creation of the Croat fascist state in
April of 1941, halved the Serbian ethnic presence in the areas that are
today Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
As for Smiljan, Jovanović writes:
"The numerous visitors that pay homage to the world-renowned genius
Nikola Tesla at his memorial complex in the village of Smiljan next to
Gospić, upon approaching the Orthodox church of St. Peter and Paul,
remain shorted for an answer to the question of who rests in the large
tomb at the cemetery that lies on the slope of the hill next to the
church. Until 1991, they could get that answer from the monument erected
over the tomb. It read that, at this place, remains lie of more than 530
victims of Ustasha genocide committed from 1941 to 1945. Judging from
the absence of any desire to restore the monument, this will stay a
secret for many generations to come." (translated by SR)
Jovanović cites at least three major massacres, with the central one
taking place in August of 1941, when 506 Serbs of Smiljan and the
adjacent hamlets were rounded up and executed. The last known massacre
took place as late as March of 1945. Croats also destroyed the church in
which Tesla's father Milutin had been the parochial priest. Many Serb
residents ended up in the nearby death camp of Jadovno, never to be seen
The now-absent monument with the inscription was erected in 1977,
according to Sofija Pejnović of the Archive of Serbs in Croatia, quoted
in Jovanović's article, after partial remains were collected and
re-interred at the tomb. Every August 2, until 1991, relatives and
neighbors of the victims gathered to pay respects at the tomb, which now
stands unmarked. The author stops short of describing the circumstances
that led to the removal of the monument in 1991, but it coincided with
the rise of Croat militant chauvinism and the accession of Franjo
Tuđman's Croat Democratic Union, which built its legacy partially on the
re-branding of Croat clero-fascism from the Second World War.
Pejnović herself went on to wonder how the great man would have fared if
he had the misfortune of being in Lika at the time of the genocide. She
regrets the unwillingness of Croatian authorities to conclusively deal
with the legacies of their fascist predecessors and restore the
monument. Yet, for political expediency and cultural self-validation,
they readily usurp the legacy of Tesla and other Serbs hailing from the
areas that relatively recently became Croatia.